Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kitchen Pantry Needs Help

Whew! What I thought would be a simple project of course is turning into a bigger project. That's because I can't just do anything thing simple. I always have to take it just a little farther. Let me explain. I was on my way to my favorite store - IKEA - to get baskets to finish up my laundry room. On the way there my friend and I decided we needed to organize our kitchen pantry. I guess when you can no longer see the floor its time to clean it out. I think I found food that made the move into this house 6 years ago. So, definitely time to throw it out. Okay, so how much more simpiler can you get than buying some boxes/ bins and throwing your food into it. I found some awesome and inexpensive boxes for the pantry at IKEA. But once I put the food in the boxes I needed some labels to remind me what was in them. Then after creating labels I still needed to add just that little extra decoration to jazz up the boxes. Sounds great if your doing 1 but I'm doing 14 so its taking me just a little longer than planned. Oh, yeah and darn I ran out of boxes so that means another trip to my favorite store!!!!

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